
Elvis has always been a very energetic, fun, loving, caring and outgoing boy growing up. A scout and volunteer fireman, an active leader in school and after schooling who has also worked various jobs such as construction, landscaping, logwood cutting, saw-milling, electrical and finally got involved in Tourism 18 years ago. Since then he has mastered just about every tour cruise ship offer and has been a stellar example in the tourism field. His pride, his passion, his care and joy all reflect in what he finally desired to be which is a Tour Operator serving others and promoting jobs.

Tours offered by Elvis Lamanai Tours

We have a number of experienced guides who have been in this line of business for more than a decade. All tours includes transportation to the various destinations either by vehicles or by boats (or a combination of both), lunch, entrance fees to the various sites, water amd/or aerated drinks and a guided tour of the various sites.
Cave Tubing
Maya Ruins
Mission Statement
Our company is dedicated to providing best quality, safe, fun, educational experience from start to finish. We are committed to serve all our guest with respect and loyalty. We are driven by love for our country with passion and excitement endeavored to always be the best in all we do.